Animation Mid Term – Transmigration of the Soul

Adapting my Photoshop skills to a timeline was a thinking exercise in terms of breaking down the scene into it’s moving parts, how they would move, and what would be seen with each movement. The theme I originally proposed shifted slightly due to difficultly in finding assets large enough to zoom into that had the […]

RWET Midterm

My goal in this assignment was to create text based op art that would play one’s the perception of pattern. Placement and manipulation of text was key, as were the words themselves and font (Courier was used for all of the pieces at size 10). For a full justification of the text (no ragged left […]

Animation Midterm Storyboard

The theme of identity is what this midterm will be based on. The first scene starts with an initializing of life (movement) by an alien presence (might be changed to the “hand of god”), that gets everything started. The faceless women birth/begin the process by shooting a crow into space. Birds are often used as symbols […]

2 Text Word Randomize (Mashup)

HW2 For this recent assignment I chose to randomize and combine two text pieces. The above image is one example of an entire output. For the final presentation of this piece, I’ve further chosen to edit one output,  line by line so that it reads with a more fluid and contains a more intended meaning. […]

Moodboard for Midterm

  The theme the midterm will be based on is that of identity. I’m interested in maneuvering within the frame to and from individuals (who’s faces or character have/has been manipulated) and within differing scenes to get to each character along the way. Say for example that we the viewer travel (zoom in on) along […]